Pictures of Funny Dog Faces With Text

lxx Funny Dog Photos You lot Need to See

We asked readers to send in their favorite animal photos. Nosotros were so entertained, we couldn't help only share.

Goldendoodle Bath Time Alixzandria Lloyd/Getty Images

Here at Reader's Digest, we can never get plenty dog pictures—and we can never go enough funny dog pictures in particular! We love large dogs, we honey apartment dogs, we love meeting new dogs when we travel (and finding out that they bark differently in dissimilar languages!) From dogs making funny faces to pooch partners in crime, there'south not a domestic dog photo out there that we wouldn't want to come across. Below, we've included some of the nearly manus-some canis familiaris photos nosotros nerveless equally part of our Pet Pals contest. This is the ulti-mutt drove of funny dog photos.

White puppy resting on a slipper Courtesy Erin Villella

This slipper pup

Erin Villella, Peachtree City, Georgia

The merely thing more than adorable than a sleepy puppy is a sleepy puppy that falls comatose in a costly slipper. Take a look at these funny photos that will have yous laughing out loud.

two dogs walk in the grass holding onto one stick Courtesy Jennifer Pustejovsky

These dogs have learned to share

These 2 cuties know that teamwork makes the dreamwork. Two dogs = much bigger stick! They're definitely funny dogs, but they might too be two of the earth's smartest domestic dog breeds.

Bulldog trying to get through a cat door Alaska Photography/Getty Images

This canis familiaris that wants to be a cat

Don't call up y'all're going to fit through there, buddy. These l more adorable brute photos volition make you lot say "aww."

two dogs sleeping on the couch; one dog's head is resting on the other dog's butt Coutesy Gary Flora Sr.

This domestic dog takes his naps where he tin can get them

Mind, sometimes you're but tired plenty to autumn asleep wherever, and get immortalized in a funny dog picture. Of class, he'd exist more than comfortable if he had one of the best canis familiaris beds.

Little dog running through tulip field Courtesy Tish Day

This small dog on a big mission

Tish Day, Mossyrock, Washington

Running through a field of flowers is serious business. This little guy knows it and has his master's in how to be a funny dog. The funny domestic dog videos are the pause you need right now.

two dogs cuddled together. one dog is yawning. Courtesy Alicia Thornton

This dog likes to monologue

Am I boring you lot? Sorry, I'm not one of those funny dogs. If you're losing your paw-dience, you can ever try tickling your dog.

Dog running in a field Brighton Domestic dog Photography/Getty Images

This grass-loving skilful boy

Gotta get that scratch. Getting a new pup? These are the perfect funny dog names.

Dog looking guilty Christina Reichl Photography/Getty Images

This dog that isn't guilty at all

I'm not sure who ripped upwardly all of the toilet newspaper. These lazy dog breeds are expert nappers.

Dog sitting in convertible with sunglasses Courtesy Sandi Fritchley

This cool convertible girl

Sandi Fritchley, Loudon, Tennessee

What's more important than wearing your seatbelt? Wearing your protective (and super fashionable!) eyewear. These 17 photos of baby animals volition brand your day.

an older dog with a younger dog on his back; sitting in the grass Courtesy Sue Augustus

The retriever taxi service

This is one of the best domestic dog photos! Tin I have a piggyback ride, sis? These cuties are among the best dog breeds for kids.

a dog wearing a cone with two other dogs sticking their noses in his face Courtesy Lisa Perry

This cone-caput

Pooches requite smooches! That's sure to make anyone feel ameliorate after surgery. These adorable corgi pictures will brand you want one.

A jumping Pug at the beach Brighton Canis familiaris Photography/Getty Images

This beachgoer

There's nothing like chasing a basketball through the shallow waters of the body of water and posing for a great dog photograph on the mode.

A cocker spaniel dog shaking off water Busybee-CR/Getty Images

This cleaned upwards dog

Quick! Don't just accept canis familiaris pictures! Get the towels! If you're loving these pictures, you'll get a kick out of these dog puns.

two small dogs sitting on the couch dressed to go out in cold weather with neck warmers and hats with pom poms on top Courtesy Cindy Johnson

These matching outfits

Our mom says we look cool! Domestic dog photos don't lie. Small (and stylish) dogs do good from wearing one of the best dog harnesses.

Dog carrying bottle of alcohol Courtesy Don Albright

This troublemaker

Don Albright, Clayton, Washington

Who doesn't desire to play fetch with a canteen of whiskey every in one case in a while!

Pug lounging poolside with sunglasses Whitney Tuttle/Getty Images

This sun-tanned pug

Oh, pool male child! Bring me some more sunscreen for my fair pare. It's not piece of cake being a funny dog. Can't become enough pugs? These precious pug pictures will definitely brand y'all smile.

one dog looking at the camera while sitting on another dog Courtesy Roseann Schramm

This merely child

Looks like a fluffy pillow, you lot say? Nope, haven't seen him anywhere. Do you lot have a dog photo you could bear witness me? These adorable dogs look exactly like mops.

black and white dog running down a dirt road with a tennis ball in his mouth T H.1000/Getty Images

This Olympic runner

If you throw a ball for this pup, yous meliorate exist prepared to move out of the manner when he comes running dorsum. It'll be a dog photo finish! If these are making you lot laugh, you'll love these dog jokes for kids you'll want to share with them ASAP.

Yellow lab with a cowboy hat Courtey Madison Montanari

This real smooth cowboy

Madison Montanari, Dallas, Texas

Funny dog pictures can still mean business. Don't mess with Texas—or with this friendly Lab'south adorable cowboy hat. These funny dog cartoons will make every possessor chuckle.

two dogs trying to hold on to the same ball Courtesy Lisa Milligan

These funny canis familiaris competitors

I had information technology first! No, it's mine! This amazing product solved 1 domestic dog's shedding problem.

Portrait Of Man And Woman With Dog In Car Steph Kemp/EyeEm/Getty Images

This lover

Everyone loves a large, smelly, sloppy, wet buss from their very, very funny domestic dog. Ha ha.

dog standing on two legs with his front paws up in the air Courtesy Jacqueline Giacalone

This stand-up pooch

Cease, in the proper noun of treats! This pupper must exist copying ane of the bravest dogs in history.

Dog owner holds his dog tired by heat Fernando Trabanco Fotografía/Getty Images

This sky-loftier doggy

I can meet the moon from up hither! Commonly, I'grand and then low to the footing!

Dog playing fetch in the snow Courtesy Katlin Kenney

This retrieving retriever

Kaitlin Kenney, Crownsville, Maryland

All that matters is that you take hold of the ball. Taking a cracking dog motion-picture show along the fashion is simply a bonus. Check out these photos of baby sloths.

Tween Girl Blowing Bubbles with Labradoodle Puppy in Backyard Mint Images/Getty Images

This outdoor pooch

Bubbles! Dogs can never get enough. And humans can never get enough funny dogs! It'due south great when goals marshal. Don't miss these dogs that look similar bears you'll desire to but hug and squeeze.

Cocker spaniel puppy retales botijero/Getty Images

This chilly guy

Must paw-tect the ears from the wind. Don't intendance if I look similar a funny canis familiaris. For even more than hilarious puppy pics, cheque out these funny canis familiaris memes.

Mom and son in car with yawning puppy Courtesy Andrea Narciso

This terrified passenger

Andrea Narciso, Chico, California

We've all experienced some ruff moments on the road, right? Y'all'll instantly beloved these adorably funny photos of cats and dogs.

Close-Up Of english bulldog sleeping on sofa Ballad Yepes/Getty Images

This dog that wants nothing to practice with humans

I came in hither to be alone, non for you to follow me and try to give me hugs and kisses.

small dog sleeping on the couch among pillows in a seemingly-uncomfortable position Courtesy Jenyfra Nelson

This unusual sleeper

Snooze, sweetness snooze… Have you ever wondered what dogs dream about?

Dog with medical mask F.J. Jimenez/Getty Images

This socially distancing domestic dog

Mask up for safety! Don't forget it should be over your oral fissure and nose.

Dog looking out the window Courtesy Virgil Swanson

This funny canis familiaris who's along for the ride

Virgil Swanson, Greenfield, Iowa

The all-time way to spend a beautiful day: windows down with the air current in your long floppy ears.

small dog peeking out from between the blankets Courtesy Terrie Humiston

This occupied doggo

Aye, how-do-you-do? This blanket says do not disturb. We promise she brushed her teeth before she went to bed!

Long haired dachshund with static electricity Matthew Wilder Photography/Getty Images

This electrical pup

What'south incorrect with my hair?! If you want to see the opposite, cheque out these ambrosial hairless dog breeds.

small dog sitting in a suitcase Courtesy Judi Cusumano

This world traveler

So, where are nosotros going? Every canis familiaris-possessor can appreciate these domestic dog quotes.

Close-Up Of Dog With Bread On Porch John Locke/EyeEm/Getty Images

This bread lover

If I cover my confront with this piece of breadstuff, the humans will never know that I'm the one who stole information technology off the counter.

Cocker Spaniel on a boat Courtesy Karen Figel

This beach bum

Karen Figel, Butler, Pennsylvania

A day on the lake is pure bliss for this funny dog. Now cheque out the xl hilarious baby photos that volition make you LOL.

Traveling Boy and his Dog RichVintage/Getty Images

This scooter dude

Communicable current of air! Good affair I have these goggles.

Dog posing on bedspread Courtesy Anna Melys

This unimpressed Chihuahua

Anna Melys, Piland, Ohio

Funny dog pictures are all about facial expressions, similar with this tiny pup who looks surprised, withal composed.

Dog playing in the garden Courtesy Julianna Blankenship

This guilty-looking dog

Julianna Blankenship, Troy, Minnesota

This guilty-looking dog was defenseless ruby-handed in the garden, but even funny dogs can get abroad with it. These are the things your canis familiaris wishes you knew.

Dog napping on the couch Courtesy Elizabeth DiPalma

This tired doggo

Elizabeth DiPalma, Dallas, Texas

Information technology's not always fun and games—fifty-fifty dogs demand their rest.

Dog sitting in the grass outside Courtesy Will Cedotal

This sunbathing pup

Will Cedotal, Flora, Mississippi

This cute dog loves soaking up the sunshine.

Four cute dogs standing on stones Courtesy Glenn Eberle

This group of doggie all-time friends

Glenn Eberle, Chester, New Jersey

Yous can only join this coiffure if yous like fetch, parks, and treats. Oh, and they only habiliment their pinkish collars on Wednesday. These vintage photos of dogs bear witness that they have e'er been a human being'south best friend.

Pomeranian posing with orange ball Courtesy Elizabeth Brammer

This bright-eyed dog

Elizabeth Brammer, Hutchinson, Kansas

"Is information technology time to play yet?"

Dog in red sweater Courtesy Connie Howlett

This winter-ready pup

Connie Howlett, Park Hills, Missouri

Although this funny dog might not be a huge fan of the turtleneck, at least he is warm, cozy, and looking festive. If your dog is acting a little foreign, this could be why.

Dog cuddling stuffed rabbit Courtesy Patricia Metrick

This sleepy puppy

Patricia Metrick, Scottsdale, Arizona

This cuddle session looks like pure elation.

one large wet dog and two small wet dogs wrapped in towels in the bathroom Courtesy Nina Clayton

These dripping doggos

These puppies have serious bath-time perms! You tin't assist just smile at these photos of wet dogs.

Dog dressed in hat Courtesy Helen Longo

This cute dog who is off to the races

Helen Longo, Panama City, Florida

A canis familiaris wearing a hat volition always be hilarious.

Dog resting head on little girl Courtesy Marianne Kopala

This tired doggo

Marianne Kopala, Toms River, New Jersey

What could be comfier than a 2-yr-old's head? What could be better than funny domestic dog pictures with kids?

Selfie of woman with her dog on a boat Courtesy Erin Norby

This photogenic pup

Erin Norby, Stillawter, Minnesota

A regular selfie tin can be turned into a funny canis familiaris picture immediately! Y'all probably never knew these fun facts about your domestic dog.

three dogs forming a pile on one dog bed Courtesy Bambi Sorg

This pug pile

Accept y'all e'er seen a cuter pooch pyramid in your life? These puggos would probably similar this donut dog bed (it's highly rated on Amazon!)

Dog standing on hind legs looking at bubbles Courtesy Marilyn Henderickson

This bubbly dog

Marilyn Hendrickson, Bothell, Washington

It really is the little things that brand us happy! (Like bubbling and funny canis familiaris pictures like this.)

Two black and white dogs dressed in Mardi Gras attire Courtesy Anthony Utzie

These party animals

Anthony Utzie The Villages, Florida

These dogs are ready for Mardi Gras! These ambrosial puppy pictures will make yous melt.

Tiny dog sitting on a black chair Courtesy Shelley Strnad

This hairy dog

Shelley Strnad, Oswego, Illinois

Did someone say blow out?

a medium sized dog sleeping in a large planter outside on a brick patio Courtesy Suzan Allen

This furry flower

Don't mind me! Definitely not a funny dog picture, just a dog rose. Do y'all know which breeds of dogs look similar wolves?

Black and white dog smiling Courtesy Denise Collica

This grinning doggo

Denise Collica, Farmingville, New York

This cutie is probably heedless almost treats and more than funny domestic dog photos.

dog sitting in the open refrigerator Courtesy Pat Ingham

This hungry pup

Pat Ingham, Richland, Washington

Someone is hungry! See the 50 cutest canis familiaris breeds as puppies.

two puppies sitting together; one has the other's face in his mouth Courtesy Matt Greene

This pup who's resigned to his fate

He'southward ever doing this. I just wish he'd castor his teeth!

Dog in a blue swing Courtesy David Donaldson

This swinging dog

David Donaldson, Livonia, Michigan

Keep on swinging.

close up on a small dog wrapped in a blanket with his face sticking out Courtesy Deanna Lashley

This spooky storyteller

Merely when they got inside the business firm, the food bowl was empty! This is what dogs really think about.

Two dogs stuck in a barrel Courtesy Tami Lapthorne'Hastings

These curious dogs

Tami Lapthorne'Hastings, Auburn, Washington

Double the trouble besides ways double the fun. And double the funny domestic dog pictures!


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