Seeing Same Numbers Over and Over Again


five Things To Know When Y'all Keep Seeing Repeated Numbers

There are messages all around you, and the numbers don't lie

I know I'm non the only one seeing repeating numbers every 24-hour interval. Am I? Am I crazy? I uncertainty it. It's fascinating.

Numerology is the written report of numbers, and numbers are the linguistic communication of the universe. Each number gives off a unique vibration such as intuition, love, prosperity, and protection, and also its negative aspects. Numerology is similar to Astrology.

Where astrology uses the birth date and birth time forth with the planets, numerology uses the birth date and birth name along with numbers.

The thought behind both numerology and astrology is that your birth date, birth time, and birth name together is unique to yous and affects your personality, your characteristics, and the journey y'all will accept.

Can yous believe something similar that?

It can look complex and slightly woo-woo when you're starting out, but it'due south really quite fun when you become into it. You don't have to believe annihilation only why not be open up-minded and just explore?

If yous're open-minded, you can employ numerology to discover insights about yourself, your purpose, and your personality. It could requite you clues to what you came hither to practice.

Here are 5 things you need to know about numerology and numbers:

1. Repeated or Angel Numbers

Have you noticed you're seeing the same number sequence that continues to prove up? Practice you see 11:eleven, 1:11, ten:ten, 12:34, 555, 222, 444, 333 etc everywhere? Feeling as if it'southward got something it wants to say to you?

If you are, you lot aren't making it up and you aren't crazy. Don't listen to those who say it's simply a coincidence or that y'all're on your phone likewise much. The numbers are trying to tell you something and they don't lie.

It's called affections numbers considering information technology'due south the means for angels and spirit guides to get your attention. If y'all encounter nine:11 many times in a row, you will finish and pay attention.


Affections numbers can convey important messages so don't dismiss it! Look it up. There'southward a meaning for every repeated number.

I know it'd exist easier if angels and guides simply showed up and said what they wanted to say, only information technology doesn't work like that and besides, you'd pass/freak out if yous saw these beings.

You really would!

So nosotros get numbers, signs, and synchronicities. One time you start paying attention, you lot tin can unlock information about yourself, your life's purpose, your dreams, and your goals. Angel numbers can also tell if you are heading down a dangerous path so you can course-correct.

It can await circuitous and slightly woo-woo when yous're starting out, simply it'south actually quite fun when you lot get into it. So why non exist open-minded and merely explore?

two. Your Life Path Number

In Numerology, your life path number is the most important number. It forms the ground of who you are and who yous can go. The life path number shows y'all the opportunities, challenges, and lessons y'all may confront along your journey and how all-time to overcome and ascension higher up them.

Information technology is calculated by adding the numbers in your appointment of birth. For example, using my birthdate 02/xix/1990 to summate my life path number would be:

(2) + (1+9) + (1+9+9+0) = (ii) + (10) + (19) = (2) + (1) + (10) = (2) + (ane) + (i) = 4

I added the two digits xix together as ane+9=10 and I added the iv digits 1990 together which reduced to xix and further reduced to 10 and then to ane. This is the same with any double-digit number. You lot must keep adding together until you cease up with a ane digit number.

Every two-digit number is added except for the primary numbers 11, 22, and 33, which are left as it is.

Chief numbers are too powerful to exist reduced or messed with.

From the higher up calculations, my life path number is 4. Once you have determined your life path number, you can then go online and search for what information technology says nearly you and your life.

Just google your life path number and you'll be surprised how much it'll resonate with you. If information technology doesn't, well, y'all may exist inspired.

Its equivalent in astrology, I recollect would be the Dominant/Rising sign.

My life path number iv is similar to Capricorn, my rise sign, in that they are both very hardworking, stable, and grounded. Think 4 corners of the room and 4 legs of a table or chair. Very solid.

You tin bank check to see how your life path number is like to your rising sign.

3. Your Expression Number

Did we actually chose our names before birth and do they really dictate who nosotros become. Who knows? But aren't you curious?

I am. As a cat!

The expression number is also known as your destiny number which is said to dive into your unique abilities, desires, and the things you yearn to achieve. It rules your destiny.

It is calculated by converting your full proper noun into a number using the Pythagorean chart.

Very complicated stuff.

You could do it yourself, just I wouldn't recommend y'all do that. There's an piece of cake way. I'll link a website at the end of this article that calculates everything for you, and it's free. All y'all need to do is enter your full name, including whatsoever eye names.

Its equivalent in astrology I retrieve is the sun sign.

4. Your Soul Urge Number

Your soul urge number is oftentimes called the heart'southward desire number considering it reflects your innermost desires. Information technology symbolizes your true inner cocky. It represents who you lot want to become.

This number often tells yous things you lot may or may not fifty-fifty realize about yourself. For case, growing upward I always knew I wanted to exist a physician.

I wanted to help people somehow, and then I went to school to become a dr.. Merely afterward my spiritual awakening, my desire to be a dr. fell apart. I still had the desire to help people, simply in a much different way.

I decided to become a spiritual writer/life coach instead because I felt the spiritual side of the body is often ignored and therefore needed healers.

What do you really want to be? Non what your parents say you should exist? What are you lot passionate about?

Your soul urge number is basically what your soul is urging you to do, and when your soul urges you to become for something, you can balance assured it's going to exist proficient.

And fun!

Your soul urge number tin can pb you to observe truthful fulfillment in life. Its equivalent in astrology I think is the moon sign.

My moon sign is Sagittarius and zero matters more than to me than my liberty. Beingness a writer and coach gives me that freedom. Freedom I wouldn't have if I became a doctor!

This number is calculated like to the others, using the vowels in your full name. "Vowels?"You're probably thinking it's crazy.

It is.

If you don't mind crazy and are every bit curious as a cat, the link to summate this volition be at the end of the article.

5. About The Principal Numbers

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are called master numbers because they are seen as the most empowering numbers in numerology. Each number carries a unique vibration and when numbers are doubled, its energies are intensified.

When calculating your life path and other numbers, chief numbers aren't reduced to a unmarried digit. They are left as information technology is.

Master numbers are too powerful to be reduced or messed with.

Numerology does not consider 44, 55, 66, etc as primary numbers. Just the numbers one, two, and 3 are said to create the triangle of enlightenment.

People with master life path numbers often go very powerful and influential spiritual leaders. They are highly evolved beings.

On a karmic level, people with master life path numbers are said to take mastered all the other numbers in a previous lifetime and reincarnated with the purpose of improving and raising the consciousness of humanity.

Master Number 11: The Main Illuminator

11 is a sign of enormous ability and people who have it often display heightened intuition, high frequency, natural intelligence, and spiritual insight. They are thought to be onetime souls with the ability to understand others on a deep, compassionate level.
Famous 11s: Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Tony Robbins.

Master Number 22: The Master Builder

22 is a powerful number, and people who have it in their charts are visionary builders. They are the doers and the leaders of the world. This is the number that tin can plough the wildest dreams into the greatest accomplishments.
Famous 22s: the Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, Jacqueline Kennedy, Oprah Winfrey.

Master Number 33: The Master Instructor

33 is also a powerful number, and people who accept it in their charts are highly creative, intelligent, and devoted to raising the consciousness of the earth. They are spiritually evolved beings sent here to transform the earth'due south sensation and create peace for all.
Famous 33s: John Lennon, Albert Einstein, Robert DeNiro.

Do you have a master life path number?

Last Thoughts

You tin can't be biased with the numbers.

All numbers accept both positive and negative aspects — only like astrology — that should exist looked at. It's tempting to only want to wait at the positive aspects when interpreting numbers, merely don't ignore the negative as it also sheds some light.

For example, I encounter ix:11 a lot and I plant its positive meaning as spiritual leadership, life purpose, and soul mission as a lightworker. But looking at the history of the number, I feel uneasy whenever I come across it and I see it daily. Which ways I feel some form of fear and discomfort every twenty-four hours.

The negative vibration of nine:11 is fearfulness and feet. I have fears and anxiety nigh certain things, and it's something I must work on to reach my highest potential and admission its more positive aspects.

When it comes to numbers, don't polarize towards the light by ignoring the shadow.

Growth happens in the nighttime.

A truthful written report of numbers volition non only focus on the positive simply will consider the affect of the negative aspects to give you the best understanding of yourself.

If you are curious almost numerology, check information technology out beneath. The estimator will tell you your life path, expression, sour urge number, and more than.

Permit me know what your numbers are when you lot're done. And also, let me know if you think it'southward just crazy.

Either style, I'm eager to know.

Free Numerology Figurer: What Practice The Numbers Say Nigh You?

Seeing Same Numbers Over and Over Again


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